What is Return on Assets (ROA) rate?
Return on assets (ROA) is a financial ratio that shows how much profit a company generates relative to its total assets. Business managers, analysts, and investors can use return on assets to determine how efficiently a company is using its resources to generate profits.
Important points
Return on assets (ROA) is the ratio of a company’s profitability to its total assets. ROA can be used by managers, analysts, and investors to determine whether a company is using its assets efficiently to generate profits. Calculate your company’s profitability. ROA is net income divided by total assets. It’s always best to compare the ROA of companies within the same industry, as they share the same asset base. ROA takes into account a company’s debt. Return on equity is not.
Teresa Chiech/Investopedia
Understanding Return on Assets (ROA) Rate
Return on assets is usually expressed as a percentage using a company’s net income and average assets. A high ROA means that a company is efficient and productive in managing its balance sheet to generate profits. A low ROA indicates that there is room for improvement.
Efficiency is important in business. Comparing profit and revenue is a useful management indicator, but comparing it with the resources used by a company to generate revenue indicates the feasibility of the company’s existence. Return on assets is the simplest measure of success for these companies. It reveals what returns have been generated from invested capital and assets.
ROA for public companies can vary widely and is highly dependent on the industry in which the company operates. The ROA of a technology company does not necessarily match the ROA of a food and beverage company. When used as a comparison basis, it is best to compare a company’s ROA to previous ROA figures or to the ROA of similar companies.
ROA numbers can tell investors how effective a company is at converting invested funds into net income. A higher ROA number is better because a company can earn more revenue with less investment. A high ROA means high asset efficiency.
A similar valuation concept is return on average assets (ROAA), which uses the average value of an asset instead of the current value of an item. Financial institutions often use ROAA to evaluate financial performance.
Return on Total Assets: Formula and Calculation
Return on assets is calculated by dividing a company’s net income by its total assets. Expressed as a formula, it looks like this:
Profitable Assets = Net Income Total Asset Profitability = \frac{Net Income}{Total\Assets} Return on Assets = Total Assets Net Income
Suppose Sam and Milan both start a hot dog stand. Sam spends $1,500 on a bare-bones metal cart. Milan will spend $15,000 on a zombie apocalypse-themed unit complete with costumes.
Let’s assume that these are the only assets each company has deployed. If Sam earns $150 and Milan earns $1,200 over a period of time, Milan has a more valuable business, but Sam has a more efficient business. Using the above formula, Sam’s simplified ROA is $150 ÷ $1,500 = 10%. Milan’s simplified ROA is $1,200 ÷ $15,000 = 8%.
special considerations
Due to the balance sheet accounting equation, total assets are also the sum of total liabilities and stockholders’ equity. Both types of loans are used to finance a company’s operations. Because a company’s assets are financed with debt or equity, some analysts and investors ignore the cost of acquiring the assets by adding interest expense to the ROA formula.
The effect of increased borrowing is canceled out by adding the cost of borrowing to net income and using average assets over the period as the denominator. Interest expense is added to the net income amount on the income statement because it does not include interest expense.
ROA should not be the only deciding factor when making investment decisions. This is just one of many metrics available to assess a company’s profitability.
Return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE)
Both ROA and return on equity (ROE) measure how well a company uses its resources. However, one of the key differences between the two is how each treats a company’s debt. ROA takes into account a company’s level of leverage and amount of debt. Total assets include capital borrowed for business operations.
ROE only measures a company’s return on equity excluding debt. ROA calculates a company’s debt, but ROE does not. The more leverage and debt a company takes on, the higher its ROE relative to its ROA. The more debt a company has, the higher its ROE will be than its ROA.
Assuming that earnings are constant, assets are higher than equity and the denominator in the return on assets calculation is also higher. If ROE remains at the previous level, the company’s ROA will decline.
Limits of ROA ratio
One of the biggest problems with return on assets is that the ratio cannot be used across industries because companies in one industry have a different asset base than companies in another industry. The asset base of companies in the oil and gas industry is not the same as the asset base of companies in the retail industry.
Some analysts feel that the basic formula for ROA is most suitable for banks, which limits its application. A bank’s balance sheet better represents the actual value of the bank’s assets and liabilities because it is presented at market value through mark-to-market accounting, or at least an estimate of market value relative to historical cost.
Debt and equity of non-financial companies are strictly separated, as is their respective revenues.
Interest expense is profit to the bond provider Net income is profit to the stock investor
The numerator and denominator in the ROA calculation are inconsistent. The numerator indicates the return or net income to equity investors, while the denominator indicates assets funded by both bond and equity investors, or total assets. Two variations of this ROA formula correct this numerator-denominator mismatch by adding interest expense, net of taxes, back to the numerator. The formula looks like this:
ROA fluctuation 1: Net income + (interest expense x (1 – tax rate)) ÷ total assets ROA fluctuation 2: operating income x (1 – tax rate) ÷ total assets
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis provided data on U.S. bank ROA from 1984 through the end of 2020, when the bank stopped reporting banking industry ROE. During this period, interest rates at various institutions remained below 1.4%.
Example of ROA ratio
Return on assets is most useful when comparing companies in the same industry because different industries use their assets differently. The ROA of service-oriented companies, such as banks, is significantly higher than that of capital-intensive companies, such as construction companies and utility companies.
Let’s evaluate the normalized ROA of three companies in the retail industry.
Macy’s (M) Kohl’s (KSS) Dillard’s (DDS)
According to Macrotrends and Yahoo!, the data in this table is accurate as of January 31, 2024. finance. This table is normalized. Non-recurring expenses are not included.
Retail Division Stocks Corporate Net Income Total Assets ROA Macy’s $105 million $16.2 billion 0.06% Kohl’s $317 million $14.1 billion 2.2% Dillard’s $738 million $3.4 billion 21.7%
Dillard’s was far better than Kohl’s or Macy’s at turning investments into profits. Every dollar Dillard’s invested in its assets generated nearly 22 cents in net income. One of the most important jobs of management is to make wise choices in allocating resources, and Dillard’s management appears to have been more adept than its two peers at the time of reporting.
How is ROA used by investors?
Investors can use ROA to find equity opportunities because it shows how efficiently a company utilizes its assets to generate profits.
An increase in ROA over time indicates that a company is steadily increasing its profits with each dollar invested. A decline in ROA indicates that the company may have overinvested in assets that are not generating revenue growth. This indicates that the company may be facing some problems. ROA can also be used to make apples-to-apples comparisons between companies in the same sector or industry.
How can I calculate a company’s ROA?
ROA is calculated by dividing a company’s net income by the average of its total assets. Then it is expressed as a percentage.
Net income appears at the bottom of a company’s income statement, and assets appear on the balance sheet. Average total assets are used to calculate ROA because a company’s total assets can change over time due to purchases or sales of vehicles, land, equipment, changes in inventory, or seasonal sales fluctuations. Masu. As a result, calculating average total assets for a given period is more accurate than calculating total assets for a single period.
What is a good ROA?
Generally, an ROA of 5% or higher is considered good. 20% or more is excellent. However, ROA should always be compared between companies in the same sector. Software makers have far fewer assets on their balance sheets than automakers. A software company’s assets may be undervalued, resulting in a suspiciously high ROA.
Return on assets (ROA) is a financial ratio that shows how much profit a company generates relative to its total assets. It is usually expressed as a percentage using a company’s net income and average assets. ROA can be used by business managers, analysts, and investors to understand how efficiently a company is using its assets to generate profits.